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Find a lonely integer

Problem description

The problem is the following

Given an array of n integers, find and print the unique element.

For example,

  • [1] should return 1
  • [1, 1, 2] should return 2
  • [0, 0, 1, 2, 1] should return 2


Every element in the array occurs exactly twice except for one unique element.


This problem can be solved in HackerRank.


At first, it seems I can use Map so that I count how many times the element appears in the list. But, there is a better way. Use the XOR operation.

XOR operation is represented as ^ such as 3 ^ 2.

3 = 011 in binary
2 = 010 in binary

3 ^ 2 = 001 in binary

Therefore, 3 ^ 2 = 1. Also note that same number ^ same number will be always 0.

With the information, what if we run XOR for each element in the array?

  1. Set MASK = 0
  2. For each element, a in A
  3. MASK ^= a

For example, suppose array is [3, 1, 3]. That is [011, 001, 011] in binary.

  • 0 ^ 011 = 011
  • 011 ^ 001 = 010
  • 010 ^ 011 = 001

Hence, we can find out that 001 is the number that did not appear twice otherwise it's been canceled out.

In code,

int findLonelyInteger(const vector<int>& xs) {
  int mask = 0;

  for (auto& x : xs)
    mask ^= x;

  return mask;

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